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Started by jyumi, February 21, 2011, 04:13:37 AM

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Emphasis on DSMBL at the moment. Full name: Tyjet Poison


Follett - 147,XXX,XXX - ALL (NA Unpatched V1.00)
Follett - 171,XXX,XXX - EX (NA Unpatched V1.00)

Deathsmiles MBL:

Unpatched scores are there for reference.

Sakura - 3,049,790,613 - ALL - MBL 360 (NA Patched V1.02)
Sakura - 7,435,712,895 - ALL EX (canyon, ice palace) - MBL 360 (NA Patched V1.02)
Sakura - 4,906,798,735 - 5-2 BOSS EX (ice palace, canyon) - MBL 360 (NA Unpatched V1.00)
Sakura - 130,585,484,992 - MBL 1.1 (NA Unpatched V1.00)
Sakura - 2,163,049,674 - ALL - MBL 360 (NA Unpatched V1.00)

Shishin: 14,339,182 (Blue)

Crimzon Clover 1.00:
Type Z - Original - 4193億0869万4010 - x17815 - ALL CLEAR!!

Trouble Witches PC v1.13:
Aqua - 19,XXX,XXX - Very Hard - All

House of the Dead 4 (arcade) (2cc):

Still to be added:
DS no suicide bullets
Guwange Arrange
ESPgaluda II
A lot more
youtube: Ghostezra
general: Tyjet Poison


youtube: Ghostezra
general: Tyjet Poison


Tiny update. Working on DSMBL route:

Forest lvl3, Volcano lvl999, Rail lvl3, Graveyard lvl999, Port lvl999, swamp lvl999 or 3, Ice, Canyon, Castle.

So I'm kinda booked on this game.
I'm estimating this run wil rack up to 8bil depending if I suicide in the right places or decide to meet Bloody Jitterbug.
youtube: Ghostezra
general: Tyjet Poison


Good luck with MBL, and congrats for hitting 6 billion :) I'm confused about your mention of Bloody Jitterbug though... I thought you had to go all level 999 to stand a chance of meeting him (in addition to no-missing both EX and the Castle)? As far as I know, that makes him very suboptimal in terms of scoring, but it'd still be amazing if you could reach him!



No, you just need to complete 4 out of the beginning 6 stages in lvl999. The info is buried here somewhere. This basically activates lvl999 for the next three stages (just like activating death mode).

EDIT: Yes, you activate Bloody Jitterbug when you do all 6 begining stage at lvl999.

Bloody Jitterbug is just for show and he give you only a couple of million points when defeated (50mil). That and the fact the last stage is a pain to go through at max rank, which is why I'm deciding between swamp lvl999 or 3. In fact, I really have no intentions of meeting him, only in MBL1.1.
youtube: Ghostezra
general: Tyjet Poison


So I am able to do this:

-Get the overall counter to 100000 by the end of the second (1-2) stage before the boss.  :-X
-Start the port with 1000 main counter, power up, suicide at the very begining to reset bombs, and arrive at the boss with 91000 overall counter.  :righton:

But even with these tricks, I'm still struggling to hit 2bil before going to the ice stage. I can get 1.8 bil without much effort.

Proposed route:
Forest lvl3, Volcano lvl999, Port lvl999, Graveyard lvl999, Rail lvl999, swamp lvl999, Canyon 999, Ice, Castle
youtube: Ghostezra
general: Tyjet Poison


Here's a MBL nonEX score w/ sakyura

Route: Forest lvl3, Volcano lvl999, Rail lvl3, Graveyard lvl999, Port lvl999, swamp lvl3, Castle

Score: 3,049,790,613 it's nearly half of my EX score.

It's a dry run and I failed to realize I wasn't on score attack :/
youtube: Ghostezra
general: Tyjet Poison


Here's my deathsmiles MBL no-EX run with sakura

youtube: Ghostezra
general: Tyjet Poison


Updated with recent DSMBL score


Score: 7,435,712,895 w/ sakura
Path: Rail(lvl3) - Volcano(lvl999) - Forest(lvl3) - Graveyard(lvl999) - Town(lvl999) - swamp(lvl3) - Canyon - Ice - Castle

youtube: Ghostezra
general: Tyjet Poison


I'm going to start training to fight Bloody Jitterbug.

My progress:

Path: Forest(lvl999) - Graveyard(lvl999) - Rail (lvl999) - swamp(lvl999) - Town(lvl999) - Volcano(lvl999) - Ice(999) - Canyon(999)

All level 999 score: 3,304,186,014 (this type of run should have it's own scoreboard X_X)
youtube: Ghostezra
general: Tyjet Poison