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Official Cave-Stg Drunk thread

Started by RGC, July 25, 2008, 07:21:22 PM

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Cheap Australian Chardonnay. What happened to becoming fussier and more refined with age? I'll drink any old shit if it takes the edge off, these days...


I wish I was still drunk enough not to know why i currently smell of sick :(



Ahh, some ice cold beers are awesome after a hellish week at work. :righton:


It's only 11:51 am here. Still many hours before I can enjoy some cold beers, but I'm looking forward to it!
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Xbox gamertag: eojx9999


It is approximately an hour and a half until shot 'o clock here in New York.  Time is ticking away so slowly...



Funny, I just had a couple Fosters in a Newcastle glass.  :righton:
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twitter: @cavexstg
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Xbox gamertag: eojx9999


I am completely rallied right now. It is really a stuggle to type a coherent sentence.

I went to a beer festival this morning. I was with a couple of friends and we tried something like 50 different beers, close to 7oz a sample. :( Really stupid thing to do. I was wearing a Bathory shirt and a brewer there was like "fuck yeah! Bathory! I'm pouring you a metal sized sample mate!" It made me pretty happy  :laugh:
Anyway.. Even stupider, was going to the local pub when we left there.. It will be a couple of days till I can play DFK 360 properly based on how I feel now. God, I am really stupidly drunk.

Many good craft brews though. A local craft brewery (local in Australia meaning >an hour drive away), Murray's, improved a number of their recipes since last year. Absolute highlight of the day for sure. Really malty and BIG on hops. Just fantastic really. Anyway, I'm going to embarass myself putting a few credits through DOJ and probably hit the hay. Have fun (and take it easy) CAVE STG.

NR777 is that night here in New York.  The night when every drunken retard from everywhere in the world comes out to play.  I shall shame them with my professionalism.  This, of course, involves consuming massive amounts of Knob Creek, Sobieski and whatever else takes my fancy. 


It's past midnight on New Year's Eve, but being the designated driver of my wife and myself, I wasn't able to drink nearly as much as I would have liked, and now it's late and I'm too tired to put in the effort.  WAY TO STAY SHITTY TO THE VERY END, 2010.


I had a pretty big new year. The pictures people took of me are beyond pig disgusting.


Finally woke up after being out until about 3am...I think.  I'm having difficulty remembering most of it but I am feel fine now.  That was not the case earlier.


Well hell.

It's gonna be 2AM soon and i'm feelin better than I did at 1AM.  I suppose that means tomorrow is going to suck.

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Kids, do not try this at home.


Definitely a notch down at 8AM, from 2AM.   :facepalm:


Got pretty drunk today after work with some collegues. Now my head is aching and I could puke at any minute. Feel like shit, definitely not going to do this again any time soon. Time to go see if DFK BL is available for download on Xbox Live. Blhe.
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twitter: @cavexstg
youtube: @cave-stg
Xbox gamertag: eojx9999


First drunk post after CAVE-STG's great revival. :)

Lately I've fallen in love with ridiculously hopped beers. Drinking BrewDog Jack Hammer right now and it's so fucking good.