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Started by Sapz, January 18, 2011, 11:02:33 PM

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Player: SPZ (England)
All scores on defaults.


11,225,320 - 2-4 - Type A - 34 Hit

92,269,180 - 2-5 - A-L - 478 Hit

13,876,080 - ALL - Yusuke

Dangun Feveron
2,820,956 - 5 - B/3/Lock - 3214 Discomen

10,975,796 - 5 - Kosame
Blue Arrange
12,653,602 - 6 - Kosame

Progear no Arashi (JP)
12,867,840 - 1-ALL - Bolt/Rivet

DoDonPachi Dai-Ou-Jou
White Label
78,095,510 - A-E - 1-5 - 1140 Hit
Black Label
441,653,170 - A-E - 2-3 - 1968 Hit

203,164,950 - Omote 2-4 - Tiger Schwert
X Mode
391,893,208 - ALL - Tiger Schwert

ESPGaluda II
360 Mode
160,688,236 - 6 - Ageha
Black Label
1,161,272,110 - ALL - Seseri

Mushihimesama Futari
1.5 Original
411,803,020 - ALL - Reco Normal
299,982,783 - ALL - Palm Abnormal
1.5 Maniac
391,775,920 - 5 - Reco Normal
1.5 Ultra
123,441,201 - 2 - Reco Normal
Black Label Original
1,029,506,188 - ALL - Reco
Black Label Maniac
581,459,903 - ALL - Reco
Black Label God
1,510,854,868 - ALL - Reco
1.01 Original
126,965,323 - 5 - Reco Normal
1.01 Maniac
82,146,840 - 4 - Reco Normal

Arcade/360 Mode (JP)
119,310,899 - 4-1 - Rosa

DoDonPachi Dai-Fukkatsu
Version 1.5
48,698,962,280 - Omote 2-ALL - A-B
53,334,363,865 - 1-5 - A-P
260,208,629,903 - Ura EX Boss 2 - A-S
22,323,648,964 - Omote 2-ALL - B-S
Black Label
273,948,587,217 - EX Boss - A-B Autobomb OFF
217,493,314,661 - 5 Boss - A-P Autobomb OFF
Black Label Arrange
851,921,252,218 - EX Boss

Deathsmiles II
Arcade/360 Mode
225,095,303 - 5 - Casper
IIX Mode
3,213,885,252 - ALL - Rosa


Battle Garegga
8,591,800 - 7 - Golden Bat

Armed Police Batrider
Special Course
4,624,540 - ALL10 - Shorty A, Miyamoto C, Grasshopper S


Sengoku Ace
731,600 - 2-1 - Aine

753,600 - Yuan Nang - 2-1

Strikers 1945
873,400 - 2-1 - Bf-109

Strikers 1945 II
1,523,200 - Ki84 - 2-3

Gunbird 2
1,224,400 - Aine - 2-1

Strikers 1999
2,519,400 - X-36 - ALL

Dragon Blaze
986,300 - Quaid - 2-1


2,324,400 - 1-6

9,972,550 - 2-ALL

Darius Gaiden
7,288,950 - ABDHLQV ALL

Crimzon Clover
Simple Mode
209,069,590 - ALL - Type I
Original Mode
320,787,077,800 - ALL - x15860 - Type I
Unlimited Mode
256,729,285,370 - 4 - x14962 - Type I
672,202,711,510 - 5 - x20879 - Type Z


Battle Garegga
8,591,800 - 7 - Golden Bat

DFK BL Arrange
851,921,252,218 - EX Boss

Been playing DFKBL Arrange for a while, really started to get into it after some competition with Naut. Might aim for a trillion+ at some point in the future. Also, an old Garegga score I forgot to update.


Futari 1.5 Original
343,214,909 - ALL - Reco Normal

Happy with this score for the minute. Lost 20-25m from a stupid miss during stage 4, though.


Futari 1.5 Original
362,349,521 - ALL - Reco Normal

Three very stupid and avoidable misses, all on stage 5. With a little optimization and a one miss run, 400m seems achievable... might take a while, though.


Futari 1.5 Original
411,803,020 - ALL - Reco Normal

I think I'm done with this, at least with this shot type. I reached my long term goal and got a no miss 1cc to boot. :) Replay can be seen here for anyone interested.


Ketsui Arcade
203,164,950 - 2-4 - Tiger Schwert

Futari BL Original
965,654,639 - ALL - Reco

Both works in progress.


Sengoku Ace
731,600 - 2-1 - Aine

Strikers 1945
873,400 - 2-1 - Bf-109

Strikers 1945 II
1,341,700 - 2-1 - Ki84

Strikers 1999
1,035,500 - 2-1 - X-36

And a bunch of other stuff here and there.


753,600 - Yuan Nang - 2-1

Strikers 1945 II
1,523,200 - Ki84 - 2-3

Strikers 1999
1,422,000 - X-36 - 2-3

9,972,550 - 2-ALL

The Strikers 1999 score is a work in progress in particular, looking to improve it again after STGT is done.


Great success!

Strikers 1999
2,519,400 - X-36 - ALL

1 miss clear, immensely satisfying. This took a lot of work.


Gunbird 2
1,224,400 - Aine - 2-1

Dragon Blaze
986,300 - Quaid - 2-1

More Psikyo goodness. Mainly focusing on GB2 and a little of S99 for now.


New DFK 1.5 scores.

48,698,962,280 - Omote 2-ALL - A-B

260,208,629,903 - Ura EX Boss 2 - A-S