Mushihime-tama (puzzle game)

Started by jpj, July 04, 2008, 05:21:22 PM

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not to be confused with a certain shooting game ;)

default settings.  no continues.  please post scores in this format:
Quotename - score - stage - time
ABC - 1,123,450 - 2-2 - 5'37

1. jpj - 2,270,000 - 3-2 - 9'22


i missed this thread frmo the beginning.
Too sad i cant join this scoreboard :(

I actually wanted this as the next cave-pcb (before getting ketsui i thought of getting a cheaper one).
I saw GP was selling one for 150GBP or so.
Definetly want one


i've only just got it today, so i'm still a bit confused as to how everything works.  can someone explain to me what it is you're choosing after selecting the 1 player mode?  i thought it would be beginner, intermediate, advanced.  but i'm not sure.  i'm not sure you're desire to play this game is as wholesome as mine, elf ;)  skykid has one he might sell you (he bought it by mistake :lol:)

opening gambit:
jpj - 1,387,700 - 2-5 - 7'49


getting a bit better  :)

jpj - 2,270,000 - 3-2 - 9'22