Dodonpachi Saidaioujou exA Label [exA-Arcadia, developed by Team EXA-AM2, 2020]

Started by EOJ, March 18, 2020, 10:39:27 PM

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Cool, guess there's still demand for it :)
I've been playing this an hour or so most evenings and it's really an amazing release. Mostly messing with original mode so far, since I haven't really played SDOJ much before. Slowly making progress, and managed to no miss up until late s4 now with autobomb off. At that point, I should have 27 bombs in resources left so I should just have been smashing bomb for a survival clear :|
Should probably be able to 1cc original some time this month at least.

Some gameplay capture from my exa here:


In my experience it's a lot easier to 1CC the game with Autobomb ON.
My score archive
twitter: @cavexstg
youtube: @cave-stg
Xbox gamertag: eojx9999


Off seems easier to me.
You get so many extra bombs (12), and no missing until s4 mid isnt too hard.


Good luck at it.  :righton: Getting a 1CC in the game is great fun, regardless of the Autobomb status.

My score archive
twitter: @cavexstg
youtube: @cave-stg
Xbox gamertag: eojx9999


Got the Original mode 1cc.
Autobomb off definitely seems like the easier way to clear this.
Just bomb s5 a lot.
Really impressed by this port. Plays great!


My score archive
twitter: @cavexstg
youtube: @cave-stg
Xbox gamertag: eojx9999


There is a bug in the ranking display in Original version. After completing a credit, the names displayed on the all-time ranking are from the default daily ranking chart (and vice versa).

My score archive
twitter: @cavexstg
youtube: @cave-stg
Xbox gamertag: eojx9999


If you are intested in what a real crappy clear of Exa Label with low rank and plenty of mistakes looks like, look no further!

Exa Label is much easier than original when keeping rank low, but once you start bumping that rank for score it plays very differently. It's a pretty cool mode!


New update coming this month that aims to fix some slowdown differences in comparison to the PCB, reduces input lag to 1 frame, adds some Inbachi settings, reduces load times, fixes some bugs, and maybe some other things.
My score archive
twitter: @cavexstg
youtube: @cave-stg
Xbox gamertag: eojx9999


Here's some details of the 1.2.0 update :

Version 1.2.0
Input Lag: 1 Frame
・Reduced input lag from 2 frames to 1 frame
・Improved slowdown simulation in Original and X Arrange modes
・Added practice settings menu to Inbachi mode (Hold Button 1 while selecting play mode)
・Added settings menus to other modes (Hold Button 1 while selecting play mode)
・Optimized sound balance
・Fixed Free Play bugs
・DIP 3 now rotates the screen orientation 180 degrees
・Reduced Free Play manual quit timer from 15 seconds to 3 seconds
・Compatible with the APM2/3 cabinets' Home button