Deathsmiles - General info, ver 1.1 differences, bugs, etc [JP X360, 2009]

Started by EOJ, May 01, 2009, 11:44:35 PM

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-score save bug: if you start from Score Attack mode right after booting up the game, your scores won't load on the scoreboard. If you play through a run of score attack mode and save, it will copy over the today's high (default) scores, erasing your saved scores. So always start up a game and use the "PLAY" mode first (you can exit right after you load it up), or your scores will be wiped when you save.
-Coop mode is slow.
-Replays don't work properly if you enable voices.
-Problem saving DLC and the game data on the hdd.
-Problem with installing the game to the hdd (the disc starts spinning when you begin a game).

-Patch is out as of June 2009. It fixes all of the things crossed out above (and more).

Ver 1.1 features:
-Stage item counter that maxes at 1000, and a cumulative multiplier (displayed below) that maxes at 99,999
-The cumulative multiplier constantly depletes when you are not in power up mode.
-Counter reduces 20% with each death.
-ability to power up at 100 on the item counter. The timer goes down slowest from 1000~700, medium speed from 699~300, and very fast from 299~0.
-When you power up at 1000, you get full large gold crowns until 700, medium skulls until 300, and then plain skulls until 0.
-When you power up with the cumulative multiplier over 10,000, you always get large gold crowns.
-Suicide bullets as soon as you select rank 3, or use a power up at 1000 on the counter.
-Ability to control your option manually.
-item counter rapidly increases on bosses when you use the lock shot on a boss (or any non-bullet projectile the boss throws at you, such as the apples in the Forrest stage boss)
-Suicide bullets are released from bosses when you destroy them while in power up mode
-1 bomb per life
-1 player only
-Characters have the same rebalancing as found in DSMBL (for example, Windia is stronger than in DS, just like she is in DSMBL)

Achievement list:

Normal achievements (705 total points):
使い魔の進化     使い魔を操作しよう!     5
Use your option manually

戦いの火蓋    ゲームをプレイしよう!アーケードorXbox 360モード限定。    5
Select "PLAY" and start a game of Arcade or Xbox 360 mode

復活    プレイ中にコンテニューをしよう!    5
Continue during a run

地獄の鎌    デスサイズを倒しましょう!    5
Defeat Death Scythe (Halloween Town boss)

大地に喘ぐ者    ジョルダンを倒しましょう!    5
Defeat Jordan (Graveyard boss)

根を下ろし立つ者    ウローンを倒しましょう!    5
Defeat Uroon (Forest boss)

継し者    サキュラを倒しましょう!    15
Defeat Sakura (Swamp boss)

羊羊羊    メリーを倒しましょう!    10
Defeat Mary (Lakeside boss)

炎を司る双竜    バヴァリアを倒しましょう!    10
Defeat Bavaria (Volcano boss)

双子の竜王    デヴァリア・ギヴァリアを倒しましょう!    10
Defeat Devaria & Givaria (Canyon boss)

次元の扉で叫びし者    ジルバを倒しましょう!    20
Defeat Jitterbug (first end boss on Castle stage)

闇の帝王    ティラノサタンを倒しましょう!    50
Defeat Tyrannosatan (second end boss on Castle stage)

地獄への入りロ    プレイ中にレベル3を5回選択しましょう!    20
Select rank 3 five times in one run

地獄の洗浄    全てのステージでLv3を選択し、峡谷を通過して古城をクリアしましょう!    50
Select all of the stages at rank 3, go through the Canyon, and finish the Castle stage (you can use continues)

任務完全遂行    ゲームをクリアしましょう。(コンテニュー不可)    30
1CC the game (cannot continue)

暴発物禁止    ボムを使わずにクリアしましょう!    20
Clear the game without using a bomb (can continue)

長女    ローザでゲームをクリアしましょう!    10
Clear the game with Rosa with or without continues

長女の実力    ローザでノーコンテニューでクリアしましょう!    20
Clear the game with Rosa without continues

二女    フォレットでゲームをクリアしましょう!    10
Clear the game with Follett with or without continues

二女の実力    フォレットでノーコンテニューでクリアしましょう!    20
Clear the game with Follett without continues

三女    ウィンディアでゲームをクリアしましょう!    10
Clear the game with Windia with or without continues

三女の実力    ウィンディアでノーコンテニューでクリアしましょう!    20
Clear the game with Windia without continues

四女    キャスパーでゲームをクリアしましょう!    10
Clear the game with Casper with or without continues

四女の実力    キャスパーでノーコンテニューでクリアしましょう!    20
Clear the game with Casper without continues

デイオール四姉妹    全てのキャラクターでクリアしましょう!    100
Clear the game with all four girls (can continue)

家族との再会    ウィンディアで現世界に帰ろう!    5
Return Windia to the real world (select the first option in the ending when you clear the game)

私の友人    ウィンディアでジルバラードに残ろう!    5
Leave Windia behind (select the second option in the ending when you clear the game)

仕返しはほどほどに    キャスパーで現世界に帰りましょう!    5
Return Casper to the real world (select the first option in the ending when you clear the game)

おなかいっぱい    キャスパーでジルバラードに残りましょう!    5
Leave Casper behind (select the second option in the ending when you clear the game)

ただいま    フォレットで現世界に帰りましょう!    5
Return Follett to the real world (select the first option in the ending when you clear the game)

みんなでお風呂    フォレットでジルバラードに残りましょう!    5
Leave Follett behind (select the second option in the ending when you clear the game)

看板娘    ローザで現世界に帰りましょう!    5
Return Rosa to the real world (select the first option in the ending when you clear the game)

長女の憂鬱    ローザでジルバラードに残りましょう!    5
Leave Rosa behind (select the second option in the ending when you clear the game)

デススマイルズを究めし者    デススマイルズVer1.1を全てのMAPをLv3で通過しクリアしましょう!(コンテニュー不可・ExMAP含む)    100
In ver 1.1 mode, clear the game with all 6 stages at rank 3 plus the Canyon (EXTRA), with no continues [CAN ONLY BE DONE ON "PLAY" MODE. NOT

究めたエンジェル    デススマイルズVer1.1をクリアしましょう!    80
Clear ver 1.1 mode (can continue)

Secret achievements (295 total points):
大食漢     使い魔が打ち返し弾を累計、65535発吸収しました。(秘密の実績)     25
Absorb 65,535 suicide bullets with your option

お風呂マニア    1人プレイでフォレットを使い、ジルバラードに残るを10回選択しました。(秘密の実績)    25
Complete the game 10 times with Follet, selecting the "stay in Jitterbug land" option 10 times.

廃車処理のお仕事    沼地にあるジルバの自家用車を累計10台破壊しました。(秘密の実績)    15
Destroy Jitterbug's car in the Swamp level 10 times.

あぶねぇあぶねぇ    残りライフ0.5の状態かつボムが0の状態で任意のステージクリアしました。(秘密の実績)    10
Complete any stage with 0 bombs and half a life bar left.

食いしん坊    1回のプレイでライフ回復アイテムを4個入手しました。(秘密の実績)    25
collect 4 life items in 1 play.

友達に手を上げるなんてっ!    ウィンディアプレイ時でサキュラの自爆を待ちました。(秘密の実績)    10
Let Sakura self-destruct (time out) while playing as Windia.

弾幕薄いよ!    一切の攻撃をせずにボスまで辿り着きました。(ボム・パワーアップも使用不可)(秘密の実績)    20
Get through the lakeside stage to the boss without attacking anything (you cannot bomb or power up, but you can continue)

止まって見えるわ!    任意のステージ中にポーズボタンを押しました。(秘密の実績)    5
Pause the game in any stage.

Heroine of justice    全てのボスをボムでトドメをさしました。(累計)(秘密の実績)    25
Finish off each boss with a bomb

お金持ちが好き    任意の1ステージで王冠(大)を500個獲得しました。(秘密の実績)    25
Get 500 (or more) large gold crowns in any stage.

白馬の王子様    いずれかのボスを一体、ボムのみで倒しました。(秘密の実績)    10
Destroy any boss just with bombs (no shot or laser)

億万長者    スコアが1億点を突破しました。(秘密の実績)    10
Get a 100+ mil score (in arcade or x360 mode)

もっと億万長者    スコアが2億点を突破しました。(秘密の実績)    20
Get a 200+ mil score (in arcade or x360 mode)

もっともっと億万長者    スコアが3億点を突破しました。(秘密の実績)    50
Get a 300+ mil score (in arcade or x360 mode)

大復活    コンテニューを50回しました。(秘密の実績)    20
Continue 50 times.

実力の半分     500でパワーアップをする。     5
Enter power up mode at exactly 500 on the item counter

私の生きる道    サキュラで現世界に帰りましょう。    15
Return Sakura to the real world (select the first option in the ending when you clear the game)

新しい家族    サキュラでジルバラードに残りました。    15
Leave Sakura behind (select the second option in the ending when you clear the game)

忘れられし番人    オジールを倒しましょう。    15
Defeat Ojir (Ice Palace boss)

CAVEからの挑戦状    1プレイ中に全てLv999でクリアしましょう!(コンティニュー可)    50
Select rank 999 for all 6 stages in one run (can use continues)

欲張りもん    累計カウンタを50000以上にしましょう。    25
Get the multiplier over 50,000

地獄の扉    Lv999を選択しましょう。    5
Select rank 999 once

急がば回れ    EXMAPを2つとも選択後、古城に向かいましょう。    15
Go through both EXTRA stages (Ice Palace & Canyon), and then go to the Castle stage

せっかち    EXMAPを選択せずに古城へ向かいましょう。    5
Go to the Castle stage without going to either of the EXTRA stages

Defeat Bloody Jitterbug - 100

特大!!     1プレイ中に特大王冠を1000個取りましょう!(MBL Ver1.1限定)     10
Get 1000 large (silver) crowns in one play

似非    ブラッディージルバを倒しましょう!(MBL Ver1.1限定)    25
Beat Bloody Jitterbug

10億の扉    スコアを10億点稼ぎましょう!(MBL Ver1.1限定)    5
Score 1 Billion

25億の扉    スコアを25億点稼ぎましょう!(MBL Ver1.1限定)    20
Score 2.5 Billion

50億の扉    スコアを50億点稼ぎましょう!(MBL Ver1.1限定)    50
Score 5 billion

すご~い    MBLアレンジ版をノーコンティニューでクリアしましょう!(MBL Ver1.1限定)    30
1CC MBL 1.1

ぱわーあっぷ    ぱわーあっぷ中にボスを倒しましょう!(MBL Ver1.1限定)    5
Beat a boss while in Power Up mode

100億を超えし者    スコアを100億点稼ぎました。(MBL Ver1.1限定)    40
Score 10 billion

メガブラックレーベルVer1.1でもやっぱりお風呂大好き    フォレットでノーコンティニュークリアをして、選択肢でジルバラードへ残るを選択しました。(MBL Ver1.1限定) 15
1CC MBL 1.1 with Follett, and select "stay in Jitterbug land" at the ending.

My score archive
twitter: @cavexstg
youtube: @cave-stg
Xbox gamertag: eojx9999


My score archive
twitter: @cavexstg
youtube: @cave-stg
Xbox gamertag: eojx9999


This achievement is goofy:

デイオール四姉妹    全てのキャラクターでクリアしましょう!    100
Clear the game with all four girls (can continue)

I've 1CC'd it with all 4 gals in Arcade or X360 mode, and it didn't unlock. Maybe you need to do all 4 in one of the two modes, or see all 8 endings.

EDIT: Got it. Had to clear the game again with Rosa. Either you need to clear it with her last, or you need a 1CC score saved for each character in Arcade or X360 mode.
My score archive
twitter: @cavexstg
youtube: @cave-stg
Xbox gamertag: eojx9999


Another bug:

If you download and watch a replay to the very end (where it says "Game over" and fades away) and then enter PLAY mode in SCORE ATTACK,
it will ask if you want to save your file. If you do, it will save the score from the replay into your local scoreboards. So just cancel this notice whenever you see it, so you don't fill up your scoreboard with other people's scores (unless of course you want to do that!).
My score archive
twitter: @cavexstg
youtube: @cave-stg
Xbox gamertag: eojx9999


Quote from: EOJ on May 01, 2009, 11:44:35 PM
Destroy Jitterbug's car in the Swamp level 10 times.

that's jitterbug's car? why does he drive when he can fly ???  he must be a bad driver
Quote from: Joe T. on March 12, 2010, 04:43:59 PM
real shame we can't region lock the region free tards to the shmups forum region-moaning thread.
shinu ga yoi in Ibara


Any tips for no-bombing the entire game? Game's a breeze up until Tyrannosatan, then it all turns to hell.



Quote from: Megalixir on May 14, 2009, 11:05:38 AM
Any tips for no-bombing the entire game? Game's a breeze up until Tyrannosatan, then it all turns to hell.

Use the lock shot.  Learn how to dodge the batterns.  They're all dodgeable if you don't go to the Canyon.  Doesn't mean they're easy though.

Some 1.1 odds and ends I've found.  Some might have been mentioned.
-Only get a bullet cancel when you start power up mode w/ a counter of 1000.
-Get a bullet cancel on the way out regardless, except boss fights!  Boss fights only get a bullet cancel when you're leaving a power up w/ the counter at 1000.
-Multiplier goes down based on how high it is (sorry, I don't know the increments but you can visibly see it go slower when it goes from 50,000+ down to 49,999 and lower.  The stage must also have something to do with it, as there are a ton of items on the Canyon and Castle, but it is almost impossible to raise the counter at the first of the castle, and only barely towards the middle where the crowns break.  Would be great to know the exact numbers.


Quote from: EOJ on May 01, 2009, 11:44:35 PM二女    フォレットでゲームをクリアしましょう!    10
Clear the game with Follett with or without continues

二女の実力    フォレットでノーコンテニューでクリアしましょう!    20
Clear the game with Follett without continues

三女    ウィンディアでゲームをクリアしましょう!    10
Clear the game with Windia with or without continues

三女の実力    ウィンディアでノーコンテニューでクリアしましょう!    20
Clear the game with Follett without continues


My score archive
twitter: @cavexstg
youtube: @cave-stg
Xbox gamertag: eojx9999


My score archive
twitter: @cavexstg
youtube: @cave-stg
Xbox gamertag: eojx9999