AEX Cup 2009: Progear No Arashi

Started by Jck, November 02, 2009, 09:28:37 AM

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Arcade-Extreme is proud to invite you to the AEX-CUP 2009. After the success of the first (Guwange) edition, this year we'll play Progear No Arashi, the great horizontal shooter from Capcom/Cave published on 2001.
This contest has the purpose of boosting strongest players to achieve relevant scores, while introducing the game to those players who most likely would not try a ?danmaku? (bullet hell shooter). Therefore all players are encouraged to share and discuss their techiques and approaches to the game, so that newbies can learn and appreciate the gameplay and the scoring system, while stronger players can improve too.

For info and rules please visit our forum:

(thanks to EOJ)
