Opinions: vanilla DS vs MBL?

Started by skykid, April 01, 2010, 05:31:12 PM

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OK, I misunderstood. Since that was the feature you used to distinguish MBL from vanilla above, I assumed you meant to imply that was the key difference.

edit: I checked an old replay again, that scores 10 bil with Windia. Max counter near the start of stage 4, 3.7 bil at the end of the first 6 stages, and I only saw "close proximity play" on bosses and a little on Hallowe'en Town. The point is to leech skulls with option fire, for which the range doesn't matter much, and allow crown tiaras so generated to break up before collecting, for which you need to be far away.

In summary, DSMBL is really about hanging as far back as possible more than getting up close and personal. The only enemies worth point-blanking are bosses and the ones that nominally only release skulls anyway (such as the small rocks on Volcano).