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CAVE Games / Re: DoDonpachi SaiDaiOuJou por...
Last post by EOJ - December 20, 2024, 02:26:44 PM
Someone tested the input lag:

They found it is 5.75 frames, compared to 4.75 on the X360. So, as expected (unfortunately). I don't think I'll buy this, as I don't want to support Livewire's lazy, sub-par "cash grab" ports anymore. I really regretted buying the Espgaluda 2 Switch port (it has 4 frames of lag compared to the X360's 3 frames).

Livewire's Mushi and DFK ports have 3 frames of lag, but that is because they are ported from the Steam versions that have 2 frames.
CAVE Games / Re: DoDonpachi SaiDaiOuJou por...
Last post by EOJ - December 20, 2024, 02:08:22 AM
This is available on the USA eshop now, for $35:

According to the listing the game is only in Japanese, so they didn't even bother to translate the text this time.  :displeased:

I'll wait to hear some impressions on the lag and slowdown accuracy before I spend the cash. And/or I'll just wait for a sale.
CAVE Games / Re: DoDonpachi SaiDaiOuJou por...
Last post by _rm_ - December 05, 2024, 03:14:53 AM
CAVE Games / Re: DoDonpachi SaiDaiOuJou por...
Last post by Codiene - December 05, 2024, 03:08:21 AM
Poor choice of words on my behalf it should have read "ported to a current system" instead.

Appreciate it is unlikely to add anything beyond the 360 port in gameplay and modes.
CAVE Games / Re: DoDonpachi SaiDaiOuJou por...
Last post by EOJ - December 04, 2024, 11:00:39 PM
Quote from: Codiene on December 04, 2024, 03:34:44 PMglad it is at least getting an updated port.

I doubt anything will be updated (the previous livewire ports certainly didn't update anything). It will probably have an extra frame of lag and no online leaderboards, which will make it a downgraded port.
CAVE Games / Re: DoDonpachi SaiDaiOuJou por...
Last post by Codiene - December 04, 2024, 03:34:44 PM
I literally just got the chance to get the 360 limited box set about 2 hrs before this was announced today how's that for timing!

Agreed it would have been good if City connection had the licence (or better still M2  :cool: ) but glad it is at least getting an updated port. I really hope they do a LiveWire deluxe physical release it will be an instant purchase if they do.

Maybe there is some hope for the remaining CV1000 ports.

CAVE Games / Re: DoDonpachi Sai Dai Ou Jou ...
Last post by EOJ - December 04, 2024, 01:46:15 PM
Official website:

Well, it's a great game and I'm glad it's finally getting another port to something.

However, I was really hoping City Connection would do this since their Akai Katana port is better than the X360 one, and they release on both Switch and PS4 (+ physical). Livewire stuff so far has been inferior to the X360 originals, and I expect the same for this one, unfortunately. Plus it will be delisted from the eshop in 3 years (since apparently that is how long their license lasts for these ports).  :displeased:
CAVE Games / DoDonpachi SaiDaiOuJou port by...
Last post by Codiene - December 04, 2024, 01:19:16 PM

I know @itsbobfellas posted already but started this as a dedicated topic so it's not in the other live wire thread for previous ports.

19 December 2024 Nintendo eShop Japan only at the moment by the looks of things.

Other Games / Re: The "what NON-Cave game(s)...
Last post by EOJ - November 29, 2024, 04:11:38 PM
I finished Dragon Quest III HD-2D Remake (PS5). Took me 30 hours. My party was Hero, Warrior (> Martial Artist), Mage (> Sage), Priest (Up to Lv 38) (> Thief (up to Lv20) > Warrior). I think it was a good, fun remake overall. I'd give it 8/10.