Deathsmiles, DSMBL + Deathsmiles II [PS4, Xbox One & Switch, 12/16/2021]

Started by EOJ, September 15, 2019, 03:12:22 AM

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Quote from: Liquidus0 on March 28, 2023, 10:11:40 PM
Normal Arcade and Normal MBL modes on the recent PS4/Switch ports are respectively Arcade 360 and MBL 360 modes that were on the 360 port.

I only found this bit of info on shmups.system11 forum. I don't know how accurate it is :

15.0 - Xbox 360 Arcade vs 360 Slowdown
In the Xbox360 there are two versions of MBL. Both versions are different from each other and below lists the biggest issues.

Arcade mode:
-The amount you can choose lvl1 and lvl2 are limited.
-Graphics are straight from the arcade PCB.
-There is plenty of slowdown during the first 6 stages, but the boss fights are lacking slowdown.
-When you get to the Canyon, Ice Palace, Castle, and Ballroom, it is the opposite. The stage is lacking slowdown, but the bosses have more slowdown.

360 mode:
-You can choose lvl1 and lvl2 as many times as you want.
-Graphics have been slightly altered and recolored for high definition purposes.
-The first 6 stages are lacking slowdown, but there is plenty of slowdown during the boss fights.
-When you get to the Canyon, Ice Palace, Castle, and Ballroom, it is the opposite. The stage has plenty of slowdown, but the bosses are lacking slowdown.

Thanks you very much for the detailed answer. Now I now which of the six versions I want to play :)


Keep in mind in the recent ports the slowdown accuracy is improved, and there are no significant differences in slowdown between Arcade and Normal mode anymore.
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twitter: @cavexstg
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Xbox gamertag: eojx9999


Considering it's been like a year and a half I guess no fixes are coming for DeathSmiles II on the PS4?

So for the best versions, do you still have:
DS - Xbox 360/Switch/PS4 (seems very similar for all of them)
DSMBL - PS4 (Switch/360 lacking slowdown?)
DSII - Xbox 360 (still better than the Switch version of I & II?  PS4 is apparently garbage)

I don't have a way to use my stick on Switch and generally don't buy shmups there because of the additional input lag...  But it seems like if you're buying the I & II bundle it might as well be on the Switch so II is at least somewhat playable?  PS4 version is still cheaper than a disc copy of Deathsmiles on 360 so I guess it's still worth a buy on sale but wow how do you mess up one of your release versions that badly?

Oh wait, curse my need for achievements.  I would be subjected to lots of II if I bought the PS4 version...


DS is pretty even between PS4 and X360. I haven't played the Switch version, but the extra lag there knocks it out of contention (this is why I don't buy Switch STGs in general).
DSMBL is better on PS4 than the X360, due to the slightly more accurate slowdown replication.
DSII is still best on the X360. The PS4 version is rather poor. Outside of the lag issue the Switch port is apparently pretty close to the X360 version, but not perfect.

Basically, if I want to play DS or DSMBL I'll probably go with my PS4 copy (though I am happy playing the X360 ports as well). If I want to play DSII I'll play my X360 copy.
My score archive
twitter: @cavexstg
youtube: @cave-stg
Xbox gamertag: eojx9999


Thanks, think I'll stick with 360 for all of them even as a new player- feels bad to have to have a terrible version of II tacked onto the PS4 release and I still get a physical release for the shelf on the 360 (complete with hilariously cringey marketing blurbs (that reflect the direction Cave themselves went in to appeal to the Japanese market)).