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Favourite Genre besides Shmups

Started by insigniadeck, April 05, 2011, 02:38:23 PM

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im new here and i curious besides shmups,what other game genre do you all like and play?i mainly play rpg but since on the xbox its lacking i been getting into racing to the members here what other genre do u play and what games do u love besides Shmups?


My big two besides shmups are fighting games and RPGs.  But I like just about anything as long as it plays well.


Old school arcade platformers like Rygar and Black Tiger for me, please.  :righton:


hack-n-slash/action games such as Devil May Cry, Bayonetta, Ninja Gaiden, Dynasty Warriors Gundam etc..
either that or point + click adventures. Really been enjoying 'The Dream Machine' lately, and excited to start up some new titles like 'Gemini Rue'.


Quote from: drunkninja on April 05, 2011, 07:16:47 PM
My big two besides shmups are fighting games and RPGs.  But I like just about anything as long as it plays well.
same here, i grew following the US fighting scene very closely
and RPGs are the best bet when i don't have the inspiration of going on with a shmup


Metroid-style platformers, run'n'guns, turn-based action games (Worms series <3).
<dan76> As it is I'll have to endure high res - life's hard.


capcom 2d fighting games and the tetris grand master series


Story driven adventure games. Both point-and-click and more involving. Recently played and really enjoyed both Ghost Trick and Another Code R.
Hey look I have a crappy blog -- Njiska v3

DOJ - Pride of wankers and elitists everywhere!


Platformers, both 3D and 2D. I like to collect shit in games, so I'm an easy target for Nintendo, RARE and the like.


fighting, music, hack n slash and beat em up. RPGs suck
Quote from: Joe T. on March 12, 2010, 04:43:59 PM
real shame we can't region lock the region free tards to the shmups forum region-moaning thread.
shinu ga yoi in Ibara


I pretty much play anything that doesn't make you spend most of the game navigating through boring text. Lately as I've been wanting to get better at them I've only been playing shmups.


Racing games... e.g. Wipeout HD.


2d fighting games & rpgs.

...once in a while I'll play a hack & slash/adventure game or fps.


Light gun games - I like the chaining of shots, no miss element to 'em. Accuracy! Generally if I'm not playing a Cave port it will most likely be a Wii lightgun shooter.

Most games with an arcade element - Outrun Coast2Coast is another favourite. Older arcade games, Mr. Do!, Tron etc. that era.

Oh, and Survival Horror - Resident Evil (remake and 4), thought Dead Space was good, might pick up Shadows of the Damned.

XBL gamertag: durango76uk



First person shooters, mainly those with advanced movement such as the Quake series.  I guess Counterstrike 1.6 would be an exception, as I enjoy it a good deal.  I also like 2D Fighters but I'm pretty terrible at them currently.