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Deathsmiles 2 [CAVE PCB, 2009]

Started by EOJ, January 06, 2009, 12:44:59 AM

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I'm not going to bother with a high score thread. I don't bring a camera to the arcades, and I can never remember my full score. It's always 300mil something.

I don't see the problem with a super-powered character, or why they would weaken him before release. The hi scores are tracked separately for each character. Cave has done this in the past. Look at DFK's Strong Style, or even Rosa from DS.
My score archive
twitter: @cavexstg
youtube: @cave-stg
Xbox gamertag: eojx9999


Quote from: GaijinPunch on October 07, 2009, 12:24:12 AM
releasing half-finished games and updating them as they go. . . I've been playing VF5.

Oh, the cognitive dissonance

/jealousy over lack of VF5R


Quote from: EOJ on October 07, 2009, 12:26:36 AM
Ah, you've gone back to VF. Didn't you spend like 1,000,000yen on VFIV?

2 maybe. :)  I played VERY casually right now.  I make it to the arcades for
about 2 hours a week tops.  Life isn't slowing down at all.

A gamengai user actually has a VF4FT setup in his house I'm going to play tonight.

Quote/jealousy over lack of VF5R

Well, it ain't that great.  But I'm slowly finding out that shooting games really
do take a lot of committment like RPGs... just in a different way... neither of which
I can really do right now.


Quote from: EOJ on October 07, 2009, 12:55:24 AM
I'm not going to bother with a high score thread. I don't bring a camera to the arcades, and I can never remember my full score. It's always 300mil something.

I don't see the problem with a super-powered character, or why they would weaken him before release. The hi scores are tracked separately for each character. Cave has done this in the past. Look at DFK's Strong Style, or even Rosa from DS.

Strong style has the excuse of being a totally different mode.  Ultimately, no matter how poorly received DS2 is, I can't remember a CAVE game that featured one character with significantly higher scores than the other (although if you have an example I'd be interested), and I can't imagine Ikeda and co. wanting lop-sided scores that basically invalidate the rest of the game's characters.  Especially from the POV of Deathsmiles which has a pretty big focus on character appeal compared to other CAVE games. 

Anyways we'll see in a few weeks.

BTW, all you need to take a picture at an arcade is a cellphone with camera.  That's how I always take my janky score pics.  But I'm pretty sure you and I are the only people interested in this game so if you don't want to do a score thread there's pretty much no point.  :laugh:


Quote from: zlk on October 06, 2009, 07:38:38 AM
I am also surprised that the price of this game has not dropped at all.

The operators do not buy the boards, they just pay a certain percentage to CAVE.
The future of ST-V rests upon our work and your work


Quote from: rtw on October 09, 2009, 03:40:41 PM
Quote from: zlk on October 06, 2009, 07:38:38 AM
I am also surprised that the price of this game has not dropped at all.

The operators do not buy the boards, they just pay a certain percentage to CAVE.

Is this a new business model for DS2 or was this true of the SH3 and other previous boards too?


Quote from: adverse on October 09, 2009, 12:45:43 PM

Strong style has the excuse of being a totally different mode.  

No, it's not a different mode. Different modes have differences in bullet patterns, boss patterns, etc. It's just a different shot type.


Ultimately, no matter how poorly received DS2 is, I can't remember a CAVE game that featured one character with significantly higher scores than the other (although if you have an example I'd be interested),

Many Cave games have a character (or two) that can score significantly higher than the others. Look at Deathsmiles! Follett can score almost 100mil more than Windia without the Canyon. That's pretty significant. Same thing with Galuda 2 - Ageha can score about 100 mil more than Asagi. In DDPDFK 1.5 C-Power can score way more than any other ship. In Pink Sweets, Lace can score way more than any other character.

But we still don't know if this new DS2 character can score MORE than the others yet. We just know it looks like it can score easier than the others.

and I can't imagine Ikeda and co. wanting lop-sided scores that basically invalidate the rest of the game's characters.  

Did the lopsided scores in Deathsmiles ruin that game or "invalidate" the low scoring characters? Of course not, because as I stated earlier, each character's scores are tracked separately by Arcadia, so they are not comparable.

My score archive
twitter: @cavexstg
youtube: @cave-stg
Xbox gamertag: eojx9999


Quote from: rtw on October 09, 2009, 03:40:41 PM
Quote from: zlk on October 06, 2009, 07:38:38 AM
I am also surprised that the price of this game has not dropped at all.

The operators do not buy the boards, they just pay a certain percentage to CAVE.

They have the option to not buy the board and pay the percentage to Cave. 

I'm still curious as to how the updates work.


Checked out the Cowboy site (i.e. Plasmo's WR thread) today, and saw the new DSII WR is:

SND-ARN-F.O - Windia - 1.903.111.199

1.9 billion? Really? Second place is Casper with 1.3bil. I can't fathom how this guy is getting such a high score, it's
like double the score of the best players I've seen here.
My score archive
twitter: @cavexstg
youtube: @cave-stg
Xbox gamertag: eojx9999


I was under the impression that the system update would go into effect this weekend?  Guess not. 

Maybe this week.


Quote from: EOJChecked out the Cowboy site (i.e.  Plasmo's WR thread) today, and saw the new DSII WR is:

SND-ARN-F.O - Windia - 1.903.111.199

My fault, it's a typo and actually should be 1,093,111,199.  Sorry... :-\
The same player got 1,2bill during Cave's second Score Trial for Deathsmiles II.


Ver 4.0 is out where SIN lives apparently and he has a write-up on it.

I'll summarize it on my lunch break if EOJ isn't interested.


It's called '3rd UPDATE MASTER VER 4.00'.  :rolleyes: I can't believe they did another revision of the game system. I thought they were just going to add the dude and that would be it.

Changes from ver 3.00 (translated from SIN's list) that we know so far:

-Blue rings during a boss fight are now worth +6 instead of +2
-Slowdown has been adjusted in many places
-some sort of seal was added to the suicide bullets
-Color was altered on Lily's 'breath' attack (she's the reindeer boss)
-Various changes in the graphics (smoothed textures, etc) in the title screen, game over screen, etc
-A new 'haze' effect was added when you absorb rings
-Windia is stronger than before
-Scores appear to be higher - SIN got 1.39bil after a few tries, which is better than his top Ver 3.00 score.

It should be at A-Cho by the weekend, so I'll head down there and check it out on saturday or sunday.
My score archive
twitter: @cavexstg
youtube: @cave-stg
Xbox gamertag: eojx9999


If no new stage unlocks I'm not even going to bother.


I'll still bother.  :) I'm always up for trying out new revisions.
My score archive
twitter: @cavexstg
youtube: @cave-stg
Xbox gamertag: eojx9999


Is there a list anywhere with a breakdown on versions/features etc?  I'd be curious to see he progression to its current state.  Hopefully it has a big drop sometime in price as well.


I still don't know why anyone would want to buy the arcade version. You're going to get a perfect Xbox 360 version next year that will most likely have every revision on it for you to choose from, plus extra shit. All for $65.
My score archive
twitter: @cavexstg
youtube: @cave-stg
Xbox gamertag: eojx9999


I'm hoping for it to drop to the abysmal 1kish range...I know it won't be for a while but I'm keeping my hopes up!

EOJ recently posted the following, which will be helpful for anyone out there that actually bought the PCB:

-You have to enter a code in ver 3.00 to unlock the male character. The code is ↑ABB↓→A left left A↓BA while holding the C button on P1.
-Once you do this, you not only unlock the character, but the game is also updated to ver 4.00.

Surely you have to download something to be able to enter the code, I can't see how they'd have had ver 4.00 in there all along if it updates the game system.
My score archive
twitter: @cavexstg
youtube: @cave-stg
Xbox gamertag: eojx9999


Maybe a dumb question, but are you expected to keep this board's NIC plugged in all the time, so it can grab updates?

Maybe you enter the code and that's a trigger to auto-update to the latest rev.


I was going to put this in the video link thread, but it's pretty special so I'll post it here:

SIN has uploaded his ver 3.00 WR 1.3+bil ALL with Casper! You can download it via the link below (first link on the page, right-click>save as). 388MB.

My score archive
twitter: @cavexstg
youtube: @cave-stg
Xbox gamertag: eojx9999


Top man. Managed to grab this at work before heading off tonight, as I knew my internet at home would crap out before it'd finish.

From what I've skimmed through it's an awesome video. It's the first non-cam video I've seen of DS2 also, so it's nice to really see the game properly.


Thanks for the video link.  This is the first proper look I've had at the game, and while I can't speak to the gameplay I am really underwhelmed by the look. 

Things just seem like they are made out of few polygons and with very basic textures and colors.  SH3 games are just so wonderfully detailed that this is kind of shocking.  Is this just due to the video compression or is it really like that?


Yeah, people (myself included) complained about the 'look' earlier in this thread. But nearly all of the complainers have never actually played the game.
It looks pretty nice in person, and it's a ton of fun to play. Typical Cave fun.
My score archive
twitter: @cavexstg
youtube: @cave-stg
Xbox gamertag: eojx9999


Quote from: EOJ on November 08, 2009, 08:31:59 PM
I was going to put this in the video link thread, but it's pretty special so I'll post it here:

SIN has uploaded his ver 3.00 WR 1.3+bil ALL with Casper! You can download it via the link below (first link on the page, right-click>save as). 388MB.


Thank you, I'll check it out later tonight.
The future of ST-V rests upon our work and your work


That video has changed my mind, Death Smiles II looks way better than the first one imo. I really like the style of the last stage. Fighting chess figures is just too awesome!  =D


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Quote from: HVL on November 10, 2009, 08:42:06 AM
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I'm currently uploading to MUL, I'll post the links here when I'm done.
The future of ST-V rests upon our work and your work


The future of ST-V rests upon our work and your work
