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Deathsmiles 2 [CAVE PCB, 2009]

Started by EOJ, January 06, 2009, 12:44:59 AM

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Quote from: EOJ on June 04, 2020, 08:05:04 PM
Do Vers A and B correlate with DS2s that were sold and those that were rented? Remember, CAVE had two options for this hardware: up-front sale, and rent/profit share:

You would see this on the rented system ;)


Quote from: peg on June 05, 2020, 01:28:15 AM

Do you have pics of any of the ones you've opened or know the serials?

Hey D, I'll look into this for you.


Quote from: peg on June 05, 2020, 01:28:15 AM

If you look at the serial numbers on them, they all end with a letter.  I have seen A,B,C letters at the end of the serial number.  My theory is that this letter corresponds to the type of motherboard that was used.
A = Asus motherboard,
B,C = Gigabyte motherboard

So far this is correct. The Asus ones do have "A" on the serial! All the Gigabyte boards have had "C" on the serial.

The I/O board can be used on both motherboards without a problem (I've tested this).

However, the USB drivers on the Asus and Gigabyte boards are different.

If you load the Gigabyte OS image on a Asus system (for example), Windows XP is loaded and the game looks for the USB dongle, but it does not recognise it.

You will need the Asus XP OS image for it to load. I know I'm repeating myself, just want to make this super clear for the next poor git who goes through hours/days of frustration.

Side note, in case anyone is interested. The case serial always matches the I/O serial ;)



Can you confim that the usb dongle is tied to the I/O board?  I know that my USB dongle only works with one of my boards, and it appears to be tied to the I/O board/serial number (as I swapped them over to the other Cave PC and then it started working).  I eventually just hacked the ROM to bypass the dongle check on the other one so I didn't need to bother with it anymore (very simple to do actually, only need to change a few bytes in the OS image).


Quote from: peg on June 06, 2020, 01:59:52 PM

Can you confim that the usb dongle is tied to the I/O board?  I know that my USB dongle only works with one of my boards, and it appears to be tied to the I/O board/serial number (as I swapped them over to the other Cave PC and then it started working).

Sure, but this may take some time. I don't have 2 original dongles at the moment.

Quote from: peg on June 06, 2020, 01:59:52 PM
I eventually just hacked the ROM to bypass the dongle check on the other one so I didn't need to bother with it anymore (very simple to do actually, only need to change a few bytes in the OS image).

Do you mind sharing this information, please? It would be very useful. I have the version 2.00 dongle, perhaps we can hack it to play this version?


The hack I'm referring to removes the need to even use the dongle, so you'd have to have a working CF card with OS image still.  I'm also not sure if the hack would work for earlier versions than 4.00.

Anyway, I found the info somewhere online, let me see if I can track it down again.

Here is the modification, there are actually 2 of them, you can do.

This mod/hack removes the need for the USB dongle (this is the mod I did for one of my Cave PCs).  You will need a hex editor to do it (I use HxD), then you open and modify cvgame.exe (which is on the CF card).   I made a backup of everything before doing any of this.

Anyway, The first column is the address to modify, the second is the current value at that address, and the 3rd is the value to change it to source (

53A20: 74 EB
5C74B: 72 EB
BC3D0: 0F E9
BC3D1: 84 CF
BC3D2: CE 00
BC3D5: 00 90
BC6C4: 74 EB

This is another mod you can do (, I believe this removes the needs for the I/O security board entirely, although I'm not sure how you get the controls to work without the I/O board.  I have not tried this one, but found it online.

53A20: 74 EB
5C38A: 0F 90
5C38B: 85 90
5C38C: 80 90
5C38D: 01 90
5C38E: 00 90
5C38F: 00 90
5C425: 75 EB
5C47C: 75 90
5C47D: 74 90
5C483: 75 90
5C484: 6D 90
5C504: 75 EB
5C74B: 72 EB
AA236: 0F E9
AA237: 84 89
AA238: 88 00
AA23B: 00 90
BC2E7: 0F E9
BC2E8: 84 98
BC2E9: 97 00
BC2EC: 00 90
BC3D0: 0F E9
BC3D1: 84 CF
BC3D2: CE 00
BC3D5: 00 90
BC6C4: 74 EB


Thanks mate.

Did you notice that the DATA partition on the OS/CF card uses the same data as the USB dongle?

This is why I think we can copy the 2.00 data from the dongle to the OS DATA partition.

If anyone wants to try hacking the 2.00 cvgame.exe, please let me know. Not having much joy with HEX editors - I think the values might be different to the 4.00 version.


I would like to get the dongle 2.00 data if possible.  Do you have a .img file for it?  I believe the entire size should be 2gb.


I got version 2.00 working now, thanks to Zak for posting the data!

Just played through it just ends after level 4?  Is there some sort of criteria you need to satisfy to get to the final stage?  I was credit feeding so maybe that's it although I credit fed all the way through all 5 levels in version 4.00 earlier.

Also, this version only has 2 playable characters instead of 4.  There's probably other differences but I'm no expert at the game so I can't say what.

I needed to hack the .exe to get it to work, and it turns out the offsets are different from version 4.00.  I was able to find the correct values to alter based on searching through the binary and matching the hex strings with those of version 4.00, although it was non-trivial to find them.

Anyway, here are the addresses to alter in version 2.00 to skip the key check:
40630: 74 EB
48B47: 72 EB
A43AD: 0F E9
A43AE: 84 CF
A43AF: CE 00
A43B2: 00 90
A46A4: 74 EB

Note: you still need the dongle attached for it to run, it just doesn't matter if the key on it matches your i/o board or not.


There are only 4 stages in Ver 2.00. And only 2 characters.
My score archive
twitter: @cavexstg
youtube: @cave-stg
Xbox gamertag: eojx9999


Lol, so they released an unfinished game I guess?  Was this ever suppose to be released to the public?


It was playable in the arcades. They released a new Ver every month or so. Vers 1.00 - 3.00 are basically location test-type versions (CAVE have said they released an unfinished game and tried to finish it ASAP but it took them four versions to do that). I arrived in Japan in early August 2009 and Ver 4.00 had just been released so I didn't get a chance to play the earlier versions (which began in May 2009).
My score archive
twitter: @cavexstg
youtube: @cave-stg
Xbox gamertag: eojx9999


I'm kind of surprised this still even exists given the short amout of time it was out.  I guess version 1.00 and 3.00 are lost to time.

Zak is a hero for finding this.


I know Japanese collectors who have all four versions.  ;) Ver 3.00 is apparently favored by some.
My score archive
twitter: @cavexstg
youtube: @cave-stg
Xbox gamertag: eojx9999


They won't release them?  I never understood that, especially since it's not like some rare/expensive pcb and you are risking damaging it like with SDOJ or the rare CV1000 games.  It's literally just a usb stick.


I don't know. Maybe if someone asked them? It's not exactly a popular game, but Japanese aren't known for putting ROMs up for download.
My score archive
twitter: @cavexstg
youtube: @cave-stg
Xbox gamertag: eojx9999


The future of ST-V rests upon our work and your work


Quote from: peg on June 11, 2020, 12:01:20 AM
I got version 2.00 working now, thanks to Zak for posting the data!

Just played through it just ends after level 4?  Is there some sort of criteria you need to satisfy to get to the final stage?  I was credit feeding so maybe that's it although I credit fed all the way through all 5 levels in version 4.00 earlier.

Also, this version only has 2 playable characters instead of 4.  There's probably other differences but I'm no expert at the game so I can't say what.

I needed to hack the .exe to get it to work, and it turns out the offsets are different from version 4.00.  I was able to find the correct values to alter based on searching through the binary and matching the hex strings with those of version 4.00, although it was non-trivial to find them.

Anyway, here are the addresses to alter in version 2.00 to skip the key check:
40630: 74 EB
48B47: 72 EB
A43AD: 0F E9
A43AE: 84 CF
A43AF: CE 00
A43B2: 00 90
A46A4: 74 EB

Note: you still need the dongle attached for it to run, it just doesn't matter if the key on it matches your i/o board or not.


Nice work man!  :righton:

Did you have to copy the cracked 2.00 dongle data to the OS DATA partition, or is it USB plug and play even on a version 4.00 OS DATA partition?


Quote from: EOJ on June 11, 2020, 12:21:32 AM
I don't know. Maybe if someone asked them? It's not exactly a popular game, but Japanese aren't known for putting ROMs up for download.

Can you ask them for us, please? Would be amazing to get version 1.00 and 3.00 preserved and playable  :)

They just need to copy/paste the contents of the USB stick (they don't even need to create an image).


Well, I should have said "I know OF Japanese collectors". I don't know them personally. I can poke around a bit and probably find one of them, but as soon as I say I want to make the ROM data available to others I'll probably get the silent treatment.  :(
My score archive
twitter: @cavexstg
youtube: @cave-stg
Xbox gamertag: eojx9999


Quote from: EOJ on June 11, 2020, 06:25:46 AM
Well, I should have said "I know OF Japanese collectors". I don't know them personally. I can poke around a bit and probably find one of them, but as soon as I say I want to make the ROM data available to others I'll probably get the silent treatment.  :(

Thanks dude :) maybe we should hide that part.

I get a feeling we might have to buy every future DS2 on yahoo (working or broken) to get that version 3.00 :p

I don't think we'll ever see version 1.00 unless a Japanese collector gives it to us  :(


I wonder if that's why some of those on YAJ have gone for much higher than others? Perhaps bidders are privately asking the sellers what Ver is on their DS2, but the sellers are not providing this info in the listings.

I think Ver 3.00 should be easier to find than 2.00 because there should be more of them out there. I am quite surprised you found a 2.00!! Here's a video of Ver 1.00:

According to the below site, Ver 1.00 had only two characters (Windia and Supe), but Vers 2.00 and 3.00 had three characters (Casper was added). In Ver 4.0 they added Lei:

So if your version only has two characters, it should be Ver 1.00, unless there is some unlock code for Casper in Ver 2.00 or something (they don't mention that in the webpage above).
My score archive
twitter: @cavexstg
youtube: @cave-stg
Xbox gamertag: eojx9999


Excellent work peg and zak.

How on earth is version 2.0 still around let alone 1.0! Would be interested to try 3.0 some time. I do remember EOJ saying years ago that some players preferred it. I've only really played the game with Lei tbh.

As I've said before, I can't believe this game didn't finish off Cave. We were so lucky to get two more CV1000 releases after this. 


Quote from: zak on June 11, 2020, 05:17:12 AM
Quote from: EOJ on June 11, 2020, 12:21:32 AM
I don't know. Maybe if someone asked them? It's not exactly a popular game, but Japanese aren't known for putting ROMs up for download.

Can you ask them for us, please? Would be amazing to get version 1.00 and 3.00 preserved and playable  :)

They just need to copy/paste the contents of the USB stick (they don't even need to create an image).

It appears you can have any version of the dongle plugged in.  I had a version 4.00 dongle plugged in and to my surprise it still runs 2.00 just fine.  Probably because it's bypasing the security check?  I'm not sure, but it definitely works without a 2.00 dongle.

Also EOJ, it says Version 2.00 when it starts up, I can get a screen shot of that if you want to see it.


Quote from: EOJ on June 11, 2020, 07:10:12 AM

So if your version only has two characters, it should be Ver 1.00, unless there is some unlock code for Casper in Ver 2.00 or something (they don't mention that in the webpage above).

Casper was unlockable on June 2009 in version 2.00 :)

You need to insert a credit, and while holding the C button on the 1P side enter the following (also on the 1P side):

A,A, Down, Down, Right, B, Left, B, Up, Up, A, B, B, A


Quote from: zak on June 06, 2020, 05:50:18 AM
Quote from: peg on June 05, 2020, 01:28:15 AM

If you look at the serial numbers on them, they all end with a letter.  I have seen A,B,C letters at the end of the serial number.  My theory is that this letter corresponds to the type of motherboard that was used.
A = Asus motherboard,
B,C = Gigabyte motherboard

So far this is correct. The Asus ones do have "A" on the serial! All the Gigabyte boards have had "C" on the serial.

The I/O board can be used on both motherboards without a problem (I've tested this).

However, the USB drivers on the Asus and Gigabyte boards are different.

If you load the Gigabyte OS image on a Asus system (for example), Windows XP is loaded and the game looks for the USB dongle, but it does not recognise it.

You will need the Asus XP OS image for it to load. I know I'm repeating myself, just want to make this super clear for the next poor git who goes through hours/days of frustration.

Side note, in case anyone is interested. The case serial always matches the I/O serial ;)

An interesting update on this topic. WSM-MKZ, the WR holder with Casper in Ver 4.00 in the Arcades, posted on Twitter today that the purchase-version and rental-version of the game have different slowdown. Specifically, the purchase-version has less slowdown, the rental version has more. He thinks this must be due to different PC parts inside, but is not sure of the details (having never looked inside the cases), only the results on the screen. I only played this at A-cho arcade in 2009, and I am pretty sure they had the rental version (since they only had two cabs there for a brief time), which is why I experienced it with more slowdown. But I guess the X360 port is probably closer to the purchase-version, in slowdown accuracy.

I'm guessing this is a result of some PCBs having the Asus and others the Gigabyte. Anyone test them to see if one has more slowdown than the other? If not, maybe the rental version has something different.
My score archive
twitter: @cavexstg
youtube: @cave-stg
Xbox gamertag: eojx9999


As far as I know both of these setups (ASUS & Gigabyte) use the same CPU: AMD Athlon X2 7750  with the same Integrated ATI Radeon HD3200 graphics.

Looking at the specs of the two motherboards they are exactly the same.

The future of ST-V rests upon our work and your work


Actually I believe the cpu is slower on the ones with the asus board.  Both of the ones I have use the gigabyte board and have the 7750, but online I've seen mention of the asus board using a Brisbane 5050e cpu instead.  Don't have a way to verify that though.


I looked through my collection of DSII Ver 4.00 arcade videos and I found two videos that offer a good comparison of the slowdown differences. Both are the Ruins stage with Lei, with a similar scoring pattern. One seems to be the purchase version (it's by SIN, who bought the game), the other is the rental version. The rental version lasts about 20 seconds longer than the purchase version, due to the extra slowdown (specifics are: purchase version from start of stage to start of boss fight is 2:47, rental version is 3:07)!

The purchase version still has about 10-20% more slowdown than the X360 port (depending on the stage), but the rental version is 10-20% more than that. I know at least two of the WRs were done on the rental version (Casper and Lei); WSM-MKZ said he did the Casper WR on the rental version due to all the extra slowdown (though SIN later beat his record by over 50 million on the X360 port, so I guess it doesn't matter much!).

My score archive
twitter: @cavexstg
youtube: @cave-stg
Xbox gamertag: eojx9999