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Best Graphics Viewer On Windows ?

Started by rtw, October 28, 2010, 04:07:53 PM

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I am currently using AcdSee 7.01 on my PC under XP for viewing images.

It handles TGA, PNG, GIF, TIF, JPG, LBM all the ones I care about.

It's reasonably fast but uses some kind of database which it manages to corrupt
now and then.

And it's getting pretty old version 7.01 is from 2004.

I have tried the newer versions but sadly AcdSee has becomw bloatware, I just want a lightning
fast viewer with no databases or thumbnail caches!

Anyone have a program to recommend ?

Here is a list of viewers I have tried and abandoned

. Any AcdSee above 7.01
. XnView
. IrfanView
. FastStone

The future of ST-V rests upon our work and your work


What is it you didn't like about Irfanview?  Just curious, it's what I've used in the past and was going to recommend.


Quote from: drunkninja on October 28, 2010, 04:09:54 PM
What is it you didn't like about Irfanview?  Just curious, it's what I've used in the past and was going to recommend.

I don't like the extras like sound, scan print etc. Furthermore I would like a thumbnail picture on the left and the
ability to scroll up and down whilst showing a thumbnail. The thumbnail viewer does not allow you to enter the
path directly or change directory.

The future of ST-V rests upon our work and your work


What do you mean 'sound', like how it plays sound files, or is there something else?  It took me a bit to warm up to Irfanview just because some of its default options (playing music files, automatically setting music file associations) are really stupid.  Once I got things configured, though it's become my all-purpose image viewer just because it's so damn fast.  There's an awful lot of configuration options too, so you may want to have a look and see if you can't possibly squeeze the functionality you want out of it.  Plus, it seems pretty plug-in friendly, so you may be able to find something with the sort of thumbnail view you wanted.  Unless you've already gotten that in-depth and have found it lacking, in which case I'm probably not much help.