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Asian Region Games

Started by neomoe, December 22, 2010, 09:09:51 AM

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hi guys,
so I wanted to know what are the primary differences between Asian region games and US region games?  The main reason I ask is that it seems Asian region seem a bit cheaper. 

I was thinking of getting the US version of Marvel vs Capcom 3 since it will be cheaper than the JPN version...but looks like the Asian region is even less ~$45 at Play-Asia.

For Asian games, are the boxes/instructions in english?  Generally speaking, the artwork seems more in line w/ US releases than JPN releases.

So I guess all I am asking is that is there any noteworthy reasons why I would want to buy a US release instead of an Asian release if I can save some money?  They are essentially the same, right?

Oh and by the way, I have a jpn 360, so I assume region locking won't be an issue...



I'm not sure there's any real consistency.  Asian releases are more likely to include English manuals and such, and sometimes even English in game text when the Jpn release does not.  Also the manual is more likely to be a b/w one when the Jpn release is nicer color and such.

Not really speaking directly toward the Xbox, just in general.


There doesn't seem to be any consistency in my experience.

Some games may have fully English cases/sleeves, some may be entirely in "Chinese". When it comes to the manuals, sometimes you get two. One in Chinese, one in English. Sometimes the Chinese manual is in full colour and the English is b/w, or both are full colour, or it is one big manual with languages in different sections. Sometimes there isn't an English manual, but it isn't often at all.

Only other things are pretty minor like perhaps only being able to use "moonrunes" to type your character's name (as in Nier Gestalt Asian region). But this is not very often in my experience.

Anyway, I can't think of any real reason to go for the domestic retail release (especially here in Australia where new releases are sometimes $120 AUD).


Thanks for the input guys.  Looks like I may end up going w/ an asian release.  After shipping, i wont be that much of a savings...probably around $10 or so, but better than nothing.  Ideally, I'd like a nice color manual, but worst case scenario if its in chinese and b&w, it won't be such a big deal anyway since I know I will not really be needing the instructions for Marvel v Capcom 3 anyway :)