Radiant Rally: Support a Mushi Futari HD report to Steam and Nintendo!

Started by Wolvenreign, June 15, 2024, 05:57:51 PM

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Hello CAVE STG fam,

I'm Wolvenreign aka MediumWin.

I'm here to do my usual petition work and let you all know about my current Radiant Rally.

As you all know, Mushi Futari HD won't be available on Xbox 360 digitally much longer. I was asked to make a petition thread for Mushi Futari HD to get a Steam re-port, and so here we are.


I know of the Xenia "port", but it would be better for MFHD to be preserved, have leaderboards, and get localized. They can keep the voices though, I just want the text translated.