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High Scores - Competition Style / Re: World Record Scores - Home...
Last post by EOJ - July 24, 2024, 06:13:01 PM
Aquas strikes back and retakes the Pink Sweets Ver 1.00 Kasumi WR with a score of 20,596,520 - ALL.

CAVE Games / Re: Akai Katana “conversion” (...
Last post by EOJ - July 22, 2024, 11:25:58 PM
Quote from: XtraSmiley on July 22, 2024, 10:21:08 PM
Quote from: EOJ on April 29, 2024, 09:33:11 PMI've heard through the grapevine they have the parts to make hundreds of these..

..the production cost to make one of these is only $100-$200 USD. If I were still playing these games on PCB I'd never buy one of these bootlegs, just out of principle.

Where are you getting this info, is it accurate? I think there might be no telling how many parts they have, and if the parts "only" cost a few hundreds of dollars they would make them indefinitely and it would eventually come down in price.

On the A-P thread, people are guessing the parts are very hard to come by and very expensive. I hope they are wrong and you are right!

I don't know if these bootlegs are worth $1k, but clearly the demand is there. I'd pay a ton for a full CAVE collection, but I don't know about $1k each.

I can't reveal my source so I can't say more than it's "the grapevine", but I believe it is accurate info. They have a large stockpile of these parts (many of which they simply cloned from the original chips and then produced them en masse) and will make the PCBs indefinitely but like I said they have no reason to lower the price as long as people keep paying it. They will milk this cow for all it's worth because the profit margin they have is insane.
CAVE Games / Re: Akai Katana “conversion” (...
Last post by XtraSmiley - July 22, 2024, 10:21:08 PM
Quote from: EOJ on April 29, 2024, 09:33:11 PMI've heard through the grapevine they have the parts to make hundreds of these..

..the production cost to make one of these is only $100-$200 USD. If I were still playing these games on PCB I'd never buy one of these bootlegs, just out of principle.

Where are you getting this info, is it accurate? I think there might be no telling how many parts they have, and if the parts "only" cost a few hundreds of dollars they would make them indefinitely and it would eventually come down in price.

On the A-P thread, people are guessing the parts are very hard to come by and very expensive. I hope they are wrong and you are right!

I don't know if these bootlegs are worth $1k, but clearly the demand is there. I'd pay a ton for a full CAVE collection, but I don't know about $1k each.
Off Topic / Re: Financial Results
Last post by ShootTheCore - July 18, 2024, 06:34:45 PM
Chatter on Twitter and Discord of the financial reports are:
  • Touhou Gensou Eclipse got 200k+ pre-registers and the download numbers have greatly exceed expectations.
  • The company lost 1.4 billion yen this year.
  • They plan on researching and integrating blockchain and NFT gameplay elements next.
Off Topic / Financial Results
Last post by _rm_ - July 12, 2024, 03:02:35 AM
Looks like Cave company results have been published today:

Can anyone "make something" out of those japanese documents? Any interesting data?
CAVE Games / Re: Mushihimesama, Espgaluda I...
Last post by EOJ - July 10, 2024, 04:50:42 PM
After just 3 years on the Nintendo Switch eshop, LiveWire will delist Mushihimesama on August 10th, because "the license has expired":

Seems a bit odd (and worrisome).  :oogle:
CAVE Games / Re: Cave Arcade + Console Game...
Last post by EOJ - July 04, 2024, 05:25:27 PM
Updated, thanks. I still need to add Pirates of Gappori, though.
CAVE Games / Re: Cave Arcade + Console Game...
Last post by Blomman - June 29, 2024, 01:57:32 PM
03/xx/09 – Omatsuri Yasan: Kingyo Sukui – AMI – Unknown – Japan
04/xx/09 – Omatsuri Yasan: Ganso Takoyaki – AMI – Unknown – Japan

These are post AMI, these are on a pc with CF cards, the custom (Cave 2000XP) I/O boards are the same as in Deathsmiles II with another configuration of circuits. JVS "usb" connector is unpopulated.

There is a game missing from this section as well, Pirates of Gappori is a pirate themed digital Pachislo.
CAVE Games / Radiant Rally: Support a Mushi...
Last post by Wolvenreign - June 15, 2024, 05:57:51 PM
Hello CAVE STG fam,

I'm Wolvenreign aka MediumWin.

I'm here to do my usual petition work and let you all know about my current Radiant Rally.

As you all know, Mushi Futari HD won't be available on Xbox 360 digitally much longer. I was asked to make a petition thread for Mushi Futari HD to get a Steam re-port, and so here we are.

I know of the Xenia "port", but it would be better for MFHD to be preserved, have leaderboards, and get localized. They can keep the voices though, I just want the text translated.
CAVE Games / Re: Hi Resolution Cave Artwork...
Last post by Codiene - June 15, 2024, 07:41:37 AM
People have probably already seen these but in case they are useful some custom cave artwork in this thread